CPCE Health Conference 2019

Parallel Session D: Accreditation and Safe Practices

  1. Building a Safe Medication Management Service for the Elderly in Elderly Homes and in the Community
  2. Dr S. H. LIU, Hong Kong College of Health Services Executives; S. C. CHIANG, Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Care Foundation; K. H. SO, Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Care Foundation

  3. Big Data and Evaluation for Hospitals in Greater Bay Area (大數據與粵港澳大灣區醫院評價)
  4. Dr Eric CHONG, Guangzhou Asclepius Management Consulting Co. Ltd.

  5. Health Service Planning in Greater Bay Area: Case Study of Running Health Clinics in Shenzhen (從運營深圳醫療機構的個案分析看大灣區醫療服務規劃)

    Dr Hubert C. H. WONG, Hong Kong College of Health Services Executives

  6. Crisis Response and Reputation Management: A Case Study in Hong Kong
  7. Dr Edmund T. M. WUT, PolyU SPEED

  8. Case Study on Complaint of Abortus Handling
  9. Celine S. M. CHENG, Amanda P. Y. LAU, PolyU SPEED

The conference was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: UGC/IDS24/18)