Invited Speakers
Professor Soonman KWON
Professor and Former Dean of the School of Public Health, Seoul National University (SNU)
"Long-term Care Insurance and the Challenges of Coordinated Care in South Korea"
Professor Soonman Kwon has held visiting positions at the Harvard School of Public Health, London School of Economics, University of Toronto, University of Bremen, Peking University, and Beijing Normal University. He is the founding director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Health System and Financing and was the Chief of the Health Sector Group in the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He is the president of the Korean Health Economic Association and was president of the Korean Association of Schools of Public Health and of the Korean Gerontological Society. He is the Associate Editor of Health Policy (Elsevier), and was the editor of the Korean Journal of Public Health and the Korean Journal of Health Economics. He has been a member of board or advisory committees of Health Systems Global, WHO Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, GAVI, and WHO Centre for Health and Development. He has occasionally been a short-term consultant of WHO, World Bank, and GIZ for health system and financing in Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Fiji, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, Uganda, and Vietnam. He holds PhD in health economics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (1993) and taught at the University of Southern California School of Public Policy.
Professor PHUA Kai Hong
Adjunct Associate Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore
PhD in Social Administration - Health Economics (LSE)
SM in Health Services Administration & Population Sciences AB cum laude (Harvard)
"Ageing in Singapore: Contemporary Trends and Policy Issues"
Dr PHUA Kai Hong is currently Visiting Professor in Health and Social Policy at the Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Public Policy, as adjunct faculty at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, and teaches health economics at Singapore Management University. He was previously Associate Professor and Head, Health Services Research at the Department of Community, Occupational & Family Medicine, NUS Faculty of Medicine, and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore. He graduated cum laude (honours) in pre-medical and general studies from Harvard University and received graduate degrees in Health Services Administration & Population Sciences from Harvard School of Public Health, and a PhD in Social Administration (Health Economics) from the London School of Economics & Political Science.
Dr Phua wrote the official Singapore Chronicles: Healthcare (2018) published by the Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore, and co-edited Ageing Asia: Contemporary Trends and Policy Issues. He was co-author of Asian Trends Monitoring (2016), based on a project of which he was a Principal Investigator, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, Centre for Strategic Futures, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore, and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. He was the co-lead and corresponding author of the overview article in the Lancet Series on Health in Southeast Asia (2011) and is Guest Editor of the Social Science & Medicine special issue on Health Systems in Asia (2016). He delivered the 2012 ST Lee Lecture at the Menzies Centre for Health Policy of the University of Sydney and the Australian National University. He has produced numerous publications in health policy and related areas, including the history of health and socio-economic development, population ageing, health systems management, health economics and financing. He had served in the past as Associate Editor of the Singapore Economic Review and Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health.
Dr Phua received The Outstanding Young Person (TOYP) award in 1992 for his contributions to health policy and community service in Singapore. He is currently serving on the WHO Expert Committee on Economics of Healthy Ageing, Geneva, and Fees Benchmark Committee, Ministry of Health, Singapore. He was a past Vice-Chairman of the Singapore Red Cross and Chair of its Governance and Nominations Committee; served on the Board of Management of the Home Nursing Foundation and was a founder Council Member and Chairman, Resource Committee of the Gerontological Society. He was Chairman of the Task Force on Social Services 2015, to develop a strategic plan for the National Council of Social Service. He was appointed on many national advisory committees, including the Government Parliamentary Committee Resource Panel on Health. From 2000-2005, he was Chair, Technical Advisory Group for Health Sector Development, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, and has consulted for many regional governments and international organizations, including the Asian Development Bank, Red Cross, World Bank, and UNESCAP. He has conducted numerous consultancies, executive education and training programmes throughout the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East on healthcare reforms, eldercare, financing and health systems management.
Professor Tomonori HASEGAWA
Professor and Chair, Division of Health Policy and Health Service Research Department of Social Medicine, Toho University School of Medicine of Japan
"Aging and Diversity of Medical Needs: Cost of Illness of Cerebrovascular Disease in Each Prefecture of Japan"
Professor Hasegawa is Professor and Chair of the Division of Health Policy and Health Service Research Department of Social Medicine at the Toho University School of Medicine of Japan. He had his medical education at the Tokyo University School of Medicine, where also received his Doctor of Philosophy. He was previously a Resident at the Tokyo University Hospital in Internal Medicine.
He is a member of the Japanese Society of Public Health, Japanese Society of Hygiene, Japanese Society of Transplantation, Japanese Society of Hospital Administration, Japanese Society of Healthcare Management. He also holds membership of the following specialist councils or committees: Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare, Committee on Disclosure of Healthcare Information, Committee on the Administration of Healthcare Organizations, Cabinet Office Council for Regulatory Reform, Office for the Promotion of Regulatory Reform and Private Finance Initiative, Japan Council for Quality in Health Care Center for Medical Accident Prevention (vice-chair).
Professor Hasegawa’s research background includes health policy, health economics, quality assessment of health care.
Professor David BRIGGS
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of New England, Australia and Naresuan University Thailand
Editor, Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management
Immediate Past President, Society for Health Administration Programs in Education (SHAPE)
Professor Briggs is Adjunct Professor at the Naresuan University of Thailand, and Editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management. He is the Immediate Past President of Society for Health Administration Programs in Education (SHAPE). Professor Briggs is Fellow, Life Member and Past National President of the Australasian College of Health Services Management (ACHSM) and Founding Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Health Service Executives. He was awarded the College gold medal for his contributions to health services and was the recipient of the NSW ACHSM Presidents Award 2014 for his extensive contributions to the College and to health services in NSW.
He has had extensive senior management and governance experience in the public health sector. His consultancy, research and publications include work in the health sector, most recently in PHC, in the Asia Pacific as well as Australia. Currently he is Deputy Chair and Director of a PHN network, HNECCPHN and Chairs the Research, Innovation, Design and Planning Sub Committee, former Chair, New England Medicare Local, former Director, HealthWise P/L, a Director of DSB Consulting A/Asia P/L and a former Director of North West Division of General Practice.
Professor Briggs was previously Head of the Health Management Program at the University of New England and has taught across the range of course units in that program both domestically, and overseas at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research and publications interest focus on health policy, health reform, health systems management and the potential for distributed networks of practice in the delivery of primary health care. He has presented and published extensively in relation to his work in the Asia Pacific and this detail is available at
Professor Gordon LIU
MOH Yangtze River Scholar in Economics of Peking University (PKU) National School of Development
Vice Dean, PKU Faculty of Economics and Management
Director, PKU China Center for Health Economic Research
"Health Policy Settings in China: Political versus Economic Considerations"
Professor Liu previously served a fulltime faculty at PKU Guanghua School of Management; UNC Chapel Hill; and USC. Prof. Liu currently serves as the China-side organizer for the annual US-China Health Dialogue Track II, in collaboration with the National Committee for US-China Relations (NCUCR). He also sits on the China State Council Health Reform Advisory Commission; the UN "Sustainable Development and Solution Network" (SDSN) Leadership Council led by Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, and Co-Chairs the SDSN Health Thematic Group. He was the President of the Chinese Economists Society (CES), and the founding Chair of ISPOR Asian Pacific Consortium. Prof. Liu has served as Associate Editor for academic journals Health Economics (HE), Value in Health (The ISPOR official journal), and China Economic Quarterly (CEQ). His recent book (co-edited with Robert Burns of Wharton) was “China’s Healthcare System and Reform” published by Cambridge Press, 2017.
Professor Peter P. YUEN
Dean, College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE)
Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
BA, MBA [S.U.N.Y. (Buffalo)]; PhD (Birm.); FCHSM (Aust.)
"Towards a More Humanistic Model of Care: A Case Study of Hong Kong’s Long Term Care System"
Prof. Peter P. Yuen is Dean of the College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). He is also Professor of PolyU’s Department of Management and Marketing. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology and Master in Business Administration degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, and his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Health Economics from the University of Birmingham, UK.
Prior to his appointment as Dean of CPCE, Prof. Yuen held a number of management positions at PolyU, including Associate Vice-President (Management), Director of the Public Policy Research Institute, and Head of the Department of Management. He was also the founding Director of the Doctor of Business Administration programme in the Faculty of Business.
Prof. Yuen’s research mainly focuses on public policy formulation and evaluation, and health services management. He is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Public Administration and Policy and an Editorial Committee member of Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management. He was also a consultant for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government and the Bauhinia Foundation on a number of public policy related projects including the West Kowloon Cultural District, Sustainable Built Environment, Subsidised Homeownership, Managed Care in Hong Kong, and Health Systems Reform.
Prof. Yuen is currently Chairman of the Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (Hong Kong). He is a member of the HKSAR Government Manpower Development Committee, Health and Medical Development Advisory Committee, and the Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education. He is a founding Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Health Services Executives, and an Honorary Fellow of the Australian College of Health Services Management. He once served as Vice-President of the Chinese National Institute of Health Care Management Education, and President of the Hong Kong Public Administration Association.
Dr Zhanming LIANG
Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology and Public Health, La Trobe University
President, the Society for Health Administration Programs in Education; Australia
Fellow, Australian College of Health Service Manager
"Integrated Care Across Boundaries – Experience and Lessons from Australia"
Dr Liang has spent the last decade researching and teaching in the areas of management competency, evidence-informed decision-making, health management workforce development, healthcare quality, and program planning and evaluation. Prior to becoming an academic, she worked in diverse roles as a medical practitioner, a planning and evaluation consultant and a senior manager.
Dr Liang has been the leader of the Management Competency Assessment Partnership (MCAP) Program, which has resulted in the development and validation of an evidence-based Managerial Competency Assessment Tool. The MCAP Tool can assess the competence of middle and senior level managers working in the health sector and provide evidence to guide the direction of management training and development. In the past three years, Dr Liang has been working with partners in China and Thailand to develop the capacity in health service management training, education and research in both countries.
The book she co-authored with colleagues entitled ‘Project management in health and community services: getting good ideas to work’ has been recognised as the best project management book for the health sector in Australia and adopted as a textbook by majority of the Master of Health Administration Programs in Australia. The new 3rd edition of the book will be published in early 2019. The book has also been translated into Mandarin and published by The People’s Medical Publishing House, China.
Dr Francesca QUATTRI (Fran, 赋佳)
Associate Professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Jiangsu University
"Pharmacovigilance and Participatory Medicine through Social Media – We are Still not There"
Dr Quattri is currently Associate Professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Jiangsu University. She received her PhD in Applied Linguistics from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She was a one-year visiting researcher at National Taiwan University, and she worked as a post-doc at the Chang Gung Medical Education Research Centre in Linkou.
Her research in medical education involves exploration of medical teacher-student communication, curriculum development and assessment; professionalism in medical settings; argumentative strategies in medical communication and patient empowerment.
Fran is a reviewer for several international medical education journals ( She is a verified conference interpreter in German, English and Italian (M.A.; Heidelberg University) and former recipient of the 2011-2014 PhD Fellowship Program by the Hong Kong Government.
Dr ZHANG Hui (Vivienne 張慧)
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Sun Yat-sen University
"Direct Medical Costs for Patients with Schizophrenia: A 4-year Cohort Study from Health Insurance Claims Data in Guangzhou City, Southern China"
Dr Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management of the Sun Yat-sen University in China. She received her PhD in health economics from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, her MSc in economics from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
As a doctoral student, she spent one year as a visiting scholar at the University of California in the Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Public Health. Professor Zhang’s research focus is health economics, especially health insurance reform, health care financing, health policy evaluation, and cost-effectiveness analysis.
Professor Dongwoon HAN
Professor, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, South Korea
"Implementation of Community Care Policy in South Korea: Will it be Achieved?"
Dongwoon HAN, MD, MPH, PhD (in health service management) is a professor at Hanyang University, College of Medicine, and chairperson of global health and Development. He was also a chairperson of both Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, and Department of Medical Administration at Graduate School of Public Policy. He is also currently director of Institute of Health Services Management, Hanyang University. He received a bachelor’s degree in medicine from Hanyang University College of Medicine, master’s degree (MPH) from Seoul National University, Graduate School of Public Health, and a doctoral degree from The University of Birmingham (UK). Professor Han was a member of WHO working group for various health related topics include traditional medicine. For many years, he has worked as short-term consultant at many developing countries, Vietnam, Nepal, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Peru, Honduras and so on. For the Korean government, he has advised national and local governments on health promotion, health planning, and Official Development Assistant (in Health). Since 2004, he has been trying to establish public health program using traditional Korean medicine in public health care system. Dr. Han is serving as Director of the National Traditional Korean Medicine Research and Development Centre. From 2010 to 2012, he had also directed a research team for the evaluation of Korean Case Payment System (KCPC) funded by Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA).
Dr LAM Ching-choi, BBS, JP
Chief Executive Officer, Haven of Hope Christian Service and
Member of Executive Council, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
"Dying-in-Place: Advancing End-of-life Care in Hong Kong"
Dr Lam is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Haven of Hope Christian Service. He also serves as Chairman of the Elderly Commission, the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Committee and Elderly Care Service Industry Training Advisory Committee as well as Member of the Steering Committee on Primary Healthcare Development and Ex-officio Member of the Family Council. Dr Lam was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star in 2008.
The conference was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: UGC/IDS24/18)